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How to Find Your IMAP Settings


IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. It's a way for email programs to read messages from your email service. When you want to use an email app or software, you need to know your IMAP settings. This guide will show you how to find them easily.

What are IMAP Settings?

IMAP settings are like a map and key for your email software to reach your inbox. They usually include:

  • IMAP server address: This is like the address of the place where your emails are stored.
  • IMAP username: This is usually your full email address.
  • IMAP password: The password you use to check your email.
  • IMAP port: A special number used to connect. Commonly it’s 993 for a secure connection or 143 for a non-secure one.
  • SSL/TLS: This tells your email app to use a secure connection to check your emails.

Finding Your IMAP Settings

  1. Check Your Email Provider’s Help Section

    • Go to your email provider’s website and look for a help or FAQ section. They often list IMAP settings there.
  2. Common IMAP Settings for Popular Providers

    • Gmail:, port 993 (SSL)
    • Yahoo Mail:, port 993 (SSL)
    •, port 993 (SSL)
  3. Look in Your Email App

    • If you already set up your email in an app like Outlook or Apple Mail, you can find the IMAP settings in the account settings.
  4. Ask Your Email Provider

    • If you can’t find the information, contact your email provider’s support team for help.
  5. For Custom Domain Emails (like

    • If you're using a work or custom domain email, check with your IT team or the company hosting your email.

Tips for Setting Up IMAP

  • Correct Username and Password: Make sure you enter your full email address as the username and the correct email password.
  • Use Secure Port and SSL/TLS: Always try to use port 993 with SSL/TLS for a secure email connection.
  • Test the Settings: After entering the settings, send and receive an email to make sure everything works.


Finding and using your IMAP settings is key to getting your email set up in an app or software. With these simple steps, you can connect to your email service and start reading your messages on any device.

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